Friday, December 11, 2009

Best Way To Masterbate With A Cream Cake

1) Always Breathe Clean Air

exercises in Tai Chi and Chi Kung Taoist breathing is fundamental to know it through our nose qi enters the atmosphere. Qi that passes from the nose to its associated internal organ are the lungs and from there to the blood, then, if we breathe air contaminated with toxic dirty our blood that end up hurting each of the internal organs. When our lungs are filled with negative emotions such as sadness, grief and sorrow, immediately resents our breath and that is why we find it hard to breathe normally when we cry. If we knew we practiced breathing and also the "air bath" of Rikli, that is, if we had the habit of doing rides at dawn or dusk by natural areas by deep breathing, our lungs would fill with qi and emotions we feel invaded by positive and reassuring. Thus we see that the first item Lezaeta Decalogue is heading in the way that will teach us to live with true joy.


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