Saturday, December 26, 2009
Density Of Penis Size
7) Do not Be
This is the seventh item on the popular Manuel Lezaeta decalogue, but here we must be very careful when we try to understand this statement. The entertainment is not for anything negative when the source of creativity, because we could also say that the movement is not synonymous with health when one is not aware of why they do things. Perhaps the secret is to realize that there may be internal and external movement stillness, and on the other hand we can be still very active externally but internally. Then, the word "leisure" from the Western point of view seems not yet well understood.

Friday, December 25, 2009
Monetary Bridal Shower Poem Invitation
never idle Saturn
This video is only a fraction of an audiovisual project that has worked with much of the information gathered by the Cassini spacecraft is now flying the planet Saturn and some of its moons. I call attention to the singular beauty of its rings, Titan's orange atmosphere is its largest moon and important because of its similarity to Earth when our planet was very new, and the large crater Herschel its moon Mimas, for finally approaching the end of this short walk to the cold surface its moon called Enceladus. This is Saturn, the son of Uranus and the father of Jupiter during the next few weeks will reach its closest point to Earth.
This video is only a fraction of an audiovisual project that has worked with much of the information gathered by the Cassini spacecraft is now flying the planet Saturn and some of its moons. I call attention to the singular beauty of its rings, Titan's orange atmosphere is its largest moon and important because of its similarity to Earth when our planet was very new, and the large crater Herschel its moon Mimas, for finally approaching the end of this short walk to the cold surface its moon called Enceladus. This is Saturn, the son of Uranus and the father of Jupiter during the next few weeks will reach its closest point to Earth.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Snap Bracelets Color Chart
Closer 6) Mastering the Mayor Pursuing Passions Chastity
This is a very interesting analysis of the decalogue of Manuel Lezaeta Acharán. The domain of the passions is not only related to sensual and sexual sphere, but also the knowledge channel energies such as sadness and anger. However, Lezaeta Acharán regards sexual energy that often squander instead of empowering. In the book of Tao Taoist masters Amoroso teach us to live in harmony with the Yin and Yang and so the sexual act becomes a real pleasure because there is mutual reinforcement between Women and Men in those times and should always be full of Understanding and Love That Thus there is no danger because there is mastering the passions even though the couple may display certain behaviors outside that might be considered "too passionate." The issue of chastity is more complex to treat because according to the Tao of Love one even practicing the Tao of Yin and Yang intensely, you can manage to be chaste, spiritually.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
3-d Bike Cakes - Toronto
The Changing Surface of the Sun
This sequence shows how he has behaved solar activity in recent days, we see that form sunspots begin to emerge from the deepest parts of our sun. The Sun is a star even though dynamic in our skies seems to be always the same and unchangeable.
This sequence shows how he has behaved solar activity in recent days, we see that form sunspots begin to emerge from the deepest parts of our sun. The Sun is a star even though dynamic in our skies seems to be always the same and unchangeable.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Christmas Light Contest 2010
Sizes in the Universe
This excellent video that advertises the website "Astronomy Picture of the Day," explains fairly clarifying the size presenting our small blue dot in relation to other bodies in our solar system, and compares the size of the Earth and the Sun with varied sizes and well-known stars. It is true that video is not a hundred percent reliable data, but at least it provides an interesting visual that shows how wonderful the universe to which we belong.
This excellent video that advertises the website "Astronomy Picture of the Day," explains fairly clarifying the size presenting our small blue dot in relation to other bodies in our solar system, and compares the size of the Earth and the Sun with varied sizes and well-known stars. It is true that video is not a hundred percent reliable data, but at least it provides an interesting visual that shows how wonderful the universe to which we belong.
Monday, December 21, 2009
27th Birthday Party Wording
5) Have Sum Cleaning

We must always live in clean, airy and more empty than full. In our home you must enter the sunlight in abundance because their rays are a natural antiseptic. Also, the air has to be continually renewed in each of the pieces of our home, because he is a manifestation of healing energy that comes from Heaven and from Earth. And we should not be outside the daily cleaning with a cold water bath short in winter and a little longer in summer and a little soap. So we allow the skin through its clean pores and remove toxins that in turn enter the vitality and health that we tend to lose so often.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
How Does A Sweater Shrink
All Back to Nature
In this chapter of his book Lezaeta says, "the ignorant parents, who are almost all believe that to prepare your child to the ordeal of life, just give it to their teachers full of knowledge and artificial. In this way the child after severe trials to gain knowledge little less than useless, was released to the journey of life possessing a body that knows neither knows much less care and repair in case of accident or health impairment. " And I can not agree more with Manuel Lezaeta Acharán, because for many years and every day I see with regret that marks each word in a paragraph of his book that I put in this short article. So I've always thought that schools and universities deforming and mutilating end any hint of light and virtue that this man, to become mere puppets filled social ego, indifference and indolence, that is, in poor and highly suggestible people manipulated.
In this chapter of his book Lezaeta says, "the ignorant parents, who are almost all believe that to prepare your child to the ordeal of life, just give it to their teachers full of knowledge and artificial. In this way the child after severe trials to gain knowledge little less than useless, was released to the journey of life possessing a body that knows neither knows much less care and repair in case of accident or health impairment. " And I can not agree more with Manuel Lezaeta Acharán, because for many years and every day I see with regret that marks each word in a paragraph of his book that I put in this short article. So I've always thought that schools and universities deforming and mutilating end any hint of light and virtue that this man, to become mere puppets filled social ego, indifference and indolence, that is, in poor and highly suggestible people manipulated.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Latest Mapouka Collection Free Watch
No Disease ... Just Sick
"Man in his ignorance," says Lezaeta Acharán-even God responsible for their misfortunes forgetting that everyone has what he deserves and that man is the son of works. sick or not through external force, but by our own mistakes in life. Health is not obtained with doctors and drugs, but with our actions every day . Hence the will the patient is the first health worker.

"Man in his ignorance," says Lezaeta Acharán-even God responsible for their misfortunes forgetting that everyone has what he deserves and that man is the son of works. sick or not through external force, but by our own mistakes in life. Health is not obtained with doctors and drugs, but with our actions every day . Hence the will the patient is the first health worker.
Friday, December 18, 2009
How To Wear Shawls For Muslim
4) Drinking Water Only Natural

This is a very important Acharán Lezaeta because we are accustomed to drinking too much but not just plain water. Soft drinks, wine and stronger drinks tend to over-stimulate our internal organs premature exhaustion. And even when we add artificial coloring to water to give "flavor" we are sending a lot of toxins in our impoverishment bloodstream. Lezaeta and many other naturalists also have taught us that in meals should not drink fluids to avoid digestive problems, since the digestive juices do not discharge their responsibilities when they are diluted with other liquids. However, here is another important and has to do with the quality of water consumed. It is always preferable to the spring water that has been filtered naturally by clay or quartz. It contains all the positive energies that no potable water is stored in ponds.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Summit Trainers! (pic Included)?
Un Sol speckles
Today we are on Sunday March 27, 2011, and climate Concepción is warm and clear skies while running a fresh wind and vitalizing that tells us to feel in the face that Fall has arrived. By looking in detail photographs of the Sun that accompany this review, we realize that a new set of magnetic islands is appearing on the left side of the northern hemisphere of the solar disk. Perhaps this new active region is listed as 1182 in the coming hours, and we will watch future developments. The active zone which increased the number of 1176 is today the one with the most intense magnetic field, which is shown directly to envisage the development and extension that it occupies in the middle of the photosphere solar. Magnetic pole magnetic pole this huge sunspot group occupies a position equivalent to about 14 Earth-like planets next to each other, equal in number to 153 000 km which is in the order of half the distance between Earth and Moon.

Today we are on Sunday March 27, 2011, and climate Concepción is warm and clear skies while running a fresh wind and vitalizing that tells us to feel in the face that Fall has arrived. By looking in detail photographs of the Sun that accompany this review, we realize that a new set of magnetic islands is appearing on the left side of the northern hemisphere of the solar disk. Perhaps this new active region is listed as 1182 in the coming hours, and we will watch future developments. The active zone which increased the number of 1176 is today the one with the most intense magnetic field, which is shown directly to envisage the development and extension that it occupies in the middle of the photosphere solar. Magnetic pole magnetic pole this huge sunspot group occupies a position equivalent to about 14 Earth-like planets next to each other, equal in number to 153 000 km which is in the order of half the distance between Earth and Moon.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Brazilian Wax, Gilroy, Ca
3) Be Sober constantly
This is the third point of the "Decalogue Lezaeta Acharán" and what it means is that we must live away from the ends and in harmony with energies of the universe. If we eat too ended up with digestive upset, if we waste our energies shortens life vital, if we will live recklessly away from our dreams. In the language of traditional Chinese medicine is very important to know and be aware of our once opposed to live in balance with them.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Cervix High 5 Days Before Period
A Sun explodes everywhere
This sequence shows 15 seconds of dynamic behavior of solar activity between 6 and March 8 this year 2011. The solar disk shows a striking artificial gold is given to the wavelength of extreme ultraviolet corresponding to 171 angstrom. Call me enough attention to energy jets that emerge from different parts of the solar disk and that arrive at the edges take the appearance of large bumps that are usually confined to intense magnetic fields associated with active regions, and especially those with large groups of spots solar. The wonder of it all is how, despite the fierce energy that shows the photospheric surface of our star, we get just the amount of energy that allows us to live on this small, bluish world. I personally think that the random, chance and science are too short to understand the true meaning of our strong presence in the universe.
This sequence shows 15 seconds of dynamic behavior of solar activity between 6 and March 8 this year 2011. The solar disk shows a striking artificial gold is given to the wavelength of extreme ultraviolet corresponding to 171 angstrom. Call me enough attention to energy jets that emerge from different parts of the solar disk and that arrive at the edges take the appearance of large bumps that are usually confined to intense magnetic fields associated with active regions, and especially those with large groups of spots solar. The wonder of it all is how, despite the fierce energy that shows the photospheric surface of our star, we get just the amount of energy that allows us to live on this small, bluish world. I personally think that the random, chance and science are too short to understand the true meaning of our strong presence in the universe.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Ultras Mario Salieri Online
2) Eat Only Natural Products

Sunday, December 13, 2009
A Beautiful Get Well Poem For Grandma
Heart Virtues
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the heart is the first of the five internal organs (lungs, heart, stomach, spleen, liver and kidneys) because it is home to many positive emotions when healthy. Love, joy, respect, happiness, acceptance, care, kindness, trust, understanding and kindness are virtues of living in our hearts, but because of pressure from day to day, we foolishly mortgaged each of these gifts by the cruelty, arrogance, violence and precipitation. The station is associated with heart Summer, his element is fire and its associated organ is the small intestine. To 102680 times a day beating our heart generates a significant amount of internal heat is dissipated by its outer membrane called pericardium. For followers of the Ancient Taoist masters Yellow and Lao Tse, the pericardium is so important that Chinese medicine studies and treats it as a separate body.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the heart is the first of the five internal organs (lungs, heart, stomach, spleen, liver and kidneys) because it is home to many positive emotions when healthy. Love, joy, respect, happiness, acceptance, care, kindness, trust, understanding and kindness are virtues of living in our hearts, but because of pressure from day to day, we foolishly mortgaged each of these gifts by the cruelty, arrogance, violence and precipitation. The station is associated with heart Summer, his element is fire and its associated organ is the small intestine. To 102680 times a day beating our heart generates a significant amount of internal heat is dissipated by its outer membrane called pericardium. For followers of the Ancient Taoist masters Yellow and Lao Tse, the pericardium is so important that Chinese medicine studies and treats it as a separate body.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Ice Skating As A Date
Solar Activity Increases
Today is the day Saturday March 26th this year 2011, and the climate in Concepcion was brought warm with clouds that rise and fall in amount. The images of the Sun today displayed in this comment back to two. The one in black and white shows the large number of active regions in the area of \u200b\u200bthe disk of our star pointing toward Earth. The active zone which bears the number 1179 is ready to disappear at the right edge of the northern hemisphere of the Sun and shows no associated sunspots. In the same hemisphere but on the left solar remains active region No. 1177, which presents a small set of islands composed of tiny magnetic Umbrian and shadows. Further left still and just appearing at that edge of the Sun, is the hot spot number 1180, which shows an associated single umbra and notorious. If we go now the southern hemisphere of our Astro King, we see that in this sector currently has the highest activity of the Sun's magnetic active region number 1176 is the group showing the largest sunspot penumbras with Umbrian and distributed in an area where a dozen would fit perfectly planets like Earth. On your left is the active region 1178, which is associated with a small group of emerging magnetic islands, and under it we see the most recently active region containing a small occurrence umbra and bearing the number 1181. As we can see, not long ago that many areas were active together in the face of the disk of the Sun we see from Earth. In the second photo shows the same pattern but in a wavelength in the visible range, allowing us to bring out the detail contrast of colors, sunspots and bright faculae in the middle of the overly orange photosphere.

Today is the day Saturday March 26th this year 2011, and the climate in Concepcion was brought warm with clouds that rise and fall in amount. The images of the Sun today displayed in this comment back to two. The one in black and white shows the large number of active regions in the area of \u200b\u200bthe disk of our star pointing toward Earth. The active zone which bears the number 1179 is ready to disappear at the right edge of the northern hemisphere of the Sun and shows no associated sunspots. In the same hemisphere but on the left solar remains active region No. 1177, which presents a small set of islands composed of tiny magnetic Umbrian and shadows. Further left still and just appearing at that edge of the Sun, is the hot spot number 1180, which shows an associated single umbra and notorious. If we go now the southern hemisphere of our Astro King, we see that in this sector currently has the highest activity of the Sun's magnetic active region number 1176 is the group showing the largest sunspot penumbras with Umbrian and distributed in an area where a dozen would fit perfectly planets like Earth. On your left is the active region 1178, which is associated with a small group of emerging magnetic islands, and under it we see the most recently active region containing a small occurrence umbra and bearing the number 1181. As we can see, not long ago that many areas were active together in the face of the disk of the Sun we see from Earth. In the second photo shows the same pattern but in a wavelength in the visible range, allowing us to bring out the detail contrast of colors, sunspots and bright faculae in the middle of the overly orange photosphere.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Best Way To Masterbate With A Cream Cake
1) Always Breathe Clean Air

exercises in Tai Chi and Chi Kung Taoist breathing is fundamental to know it through our nose qi enters the atmosphere. Qi that passes from the nose to its associated internal organ are the lungs and from there to the blood, then, if we breathe air contaminated with toxic dirty our blood that end up hurting each of the internal organs. When our lungs are filled with negative emotions such as sadness, grief and sorrow, immediately resents our breath and that is why we find it hard to breathe normally when we cry. If we knew we practiced breathing and also the "air bath" of Rikli, that is, if we had the habit of doing rides at dawn or dusk by natural areas by deep breathing, our lungs would fill with qi and emotions we feel invaded by positive and reassuring. Thus we see that the first item Lezaeta Decalogue is heading in the way that will teach us to live with true joy.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
My Pro Nails Dual Form
"The Decalogue Lezaeta"

In his outstanding book called "The Natural Medicine Reach of All" Manuel Lezaeta Acharán talks about decalogue health. Remind you that according to his natural vision diseases do not exist, but the sick. In other words what we mean Lezaeta Acharán with this is that due to the abuse we give our body with internal organs deplete our essence of life early. That is the reason why in this book Lezaeta Manuel talks about his Decalogue to restore health, which should grow.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Milena Velba Book Reading
The Yellow Emperor's Classic Book
so westernized In this life we \u200b\u200blead, our virtues are slowing, many times until it disappears, due to the pressure of everyday life. And that's when you get sick, because we prefer to lead a life increasingly impoverished, since we attach great importance to what we see and not what we feel genuine. For the Taoist master it easy to see where our weaknesses, but for that first he must be aware of its shortcomings and its shadows, and only in this way you know you are sick and seek healing naturally. Having passed this stage, and after years of inner growth, then you can speak with authority and help others who are themselves. Every day I realize as our internal organs ask us for help over and over again, and how bad break for the try. For example, walking sad and distressed and grieved, indicates an energy gap in the lungs, because if they were stabilized energy have righteousness and submission in our actions. And as the lungs are associated with the intestine, then the sadness and grief is also associated with bowel obstruction because of all the junk food we consume. And if we Statics, all internal organs are affected underbelly which leads to the continued loss of our mental clarity. So that fasting made so happy and natural immediately clarify and enhance our soul.

so westernized In this life we \u200b\u200blead, our virtues are slowing, many times until it disappears, due to the pressure of everyday life. And that's when you get sick, because we prefer to lead a life increasingly impoverished, since we attach great importance to what we see and not what we feel genuine. For the Taoist master it easy to see where our weaknesses, but for that first he must be aware of its shortcomings and its shadows, and only in this way you know you are sick and seek healing naturally. Having passed this stage, and after years of inner growth, then you can speak with authority and help others who are themselves. Every day I realize as our internal organs ask us for help over and over again, and how bad break for the try. For example, walking sad and distressed and grieved, indicates an energy gap in the lungs, because if they were stabilized energy have righteousness and submission in our actions. And as the lungs are associated with the intestine, then the sadness and grief is also associated with bowel obstruction because of all the junk food we consume. And if we Statics, all internal organs are affected underbelly which leads to the continued loss of our mental clarity. So that fasting made so happy and natural immediately clarify and enhance our soul.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Foot Stretcher For Dance
The Healing Syllable Lung
There are many ways to "restore friendship" with our lungs to positive emotions predominate are righteousness, submission, abandonment and emptiness. First of all we must apply the "inner smile" with them, but how could smile to our internal organs if we can not even smile at the people we have next?. That's why we must cultivate the smile and the kindness of the soul, regardless of the whirlwind or hurricane in more than one occasion we are involved. Having solved the before we sit on a chair and put our hands with palms facing upward, then the climb slowly and inhale and exhale subsequently lowered to sound the syllable SSSSSSSS healing slow and long. As you inhale visualize a white key light that enters from the sky by our crown and washes the lungs, and then thank you to accumulate valuable air qi then have to be taken to our blood. How well your lungs will feel with us that they and appreciation, we will give the emotions of courage and righteousness in our lives.

There are many ways to "restore friendship" with our lungs to positive emotions predominate are righteousness, submission, abandonment and emptiness. First of all we must apply the "inner smile" with them, but how could smile to our internal organs if we can not even smile at the people we have next?. That's why we must cultivate the smile and the kindness of the soul, regardless of the whirlwind or hurricane in more than one occasion we are involved. Having solved the before we sit on a chair and put our hands with palms facing upward, then the climb slowly and inhale and exhale subsequently lowered to sound the syllable SSSSSSSS healing slow and long. As you inhale visualize a white key light that enters from the sky by our crown and washes the lungs, and then thank you to accumulate valuable air qi then have to be taken to our blood. How well your lungs will feel with us that they and appreciation, we will give the emotions of courage and righteousness in our lives.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Lic Money Plus Growth Fund Good?
Measuring the Earth's circumference
In this part of the series Cosmos, Carl Sagan talks about how Eratosthenes measured the circumference of the Earth using intuition, few resources and desire to learn. These latter qualities have almost completely disappeared in most contemporary scientists, because they have replaced their natural by ego and pride.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
How Do You Play Mighty Guy 3
The Sun of March 25, 2011 Rapa Nui
Today is the day Friday and the weather in the city of Concepción has been rather unstable, since dawned clear but in the morning is cloudy and raining with a certain intensity, then cleared again at times in the afternoon, but now it's cloudy and threatening again. By observing the magnetic behavior of our star during the late hours as we realize again matches the arrival of clouds and rain to the appearance or disappearance of large active areas, which are now associated with large groups of sunspots. In black and white image of the sun that accompanies this review, we see that there are four active areas listed so far in the middle of the solar disk can be observed from Earth. Two of them are in the northern hemisphere of our Astro Rey, and right left are the numbers 1179 and 1177. But the most striking now is the emergence of a large active region on the left side of the southern hemisphere of the Sun, where there are hotspots numbers 1176 and 1178. The first is associated with a sunspot group so large that magnetic pole to pole could well put some nine planets like Earth next to each other. If you then say that the diameter of our planet is of 12750 km, and then multiply this number by 9, gives result in approximately 114 000 km. In other words, this sunspot covers an area of \u200b\u200bthe Sun which is within the order of one third of the distance between Earth and Moon. But to his left and slightly towards the south of that area of \u200b\u200bthe solar disk are displayed as bright faculae white streams of energy, along with small Umbrian may soon emerge as large magnetic islands. This is the Sun today is frantically active after a few days off. Compare the two photographs that put the Sun in this review because both are new, but are able to show different facets of the face of our star.

Today is the day Friday and the weather in the city of Concepción has been rather unstable, since dawned clear but in the morning is cloudy and raining with a certain intensity, then cleared again at times in the afternoon, but now it's cloudy and threatening again. By observing the magnetic behavior of our star during the late hours as we realize again matches the arrival of clouds and rain to the appearance or disappearance of large active areas, which are now associated with large groups of sunspots. In black and white image of the sun that accompanies this review, we see that there are four active areas listed so far in the middle of the solar disk can be observed from Earth. Two of them are in the northern hemisphere of our Astro Rey, and right left are the numbers 1179 and 1177. But the most striking now is the emergence of a large active region on the left side of the southern hemisphere of the Sun, where there are hotspots numbers 1176 and 1178. The first is associated with a sunspot group so large that magnetic pole to pole could well put some nine planets like Earth next to each other. If you then say that the diameter of our planet is of 12750 km, and then multiply this number by 9, gives result in approximately 114 000 km. In other words, this sunspot covers an area of \u200b\u200bthe Sun which is within the order of one third of the distance between Earth and Moon. But to his left and slightly towards the south of that area of \u200b\u200bthe solar disk are displayed as bright faculae white streams of energy, along with small Umbrian may soon emerge as large magnetic islands. This is the Sun today is frantically active after a few days off. Compare the two photographs that put the Sun in this review because both are new, but are able to show different facets of the face of our star.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Why Do Warts Turn Black?
little known in Chile is the existing worldview in Rapa Nui, a place that is more popularly known as "Easter Island." According to its traditions magically lost in a remote time, astronomers Polynesian felt a special interest in the starry sky, for some of the brightest planets, the positions and phases of the moon, and the place occupied by the Sun the sky during different seasons. They used all these natural parameters especially for navigation and to be at peace with the universe both external and internal. The Sun called him "Ra to ", the moon," Mahina " "Matariki" the open star cluster Pleiades stars located towards the constellation Taurus, which in English means "little eyes", "Matamea" the red planet Mars and "Rei Tanga" to the star Alpha Scorpius or Antares. This is just the beginning of a wonderful trip to do in this blog to make it the place it belongs to the ancient and wise culture that lives by looking at the stars from "the Navel of the World."

little known in Chile is the existing worldview in Rapa Nui, a place that is more popularly known as "Easter Island." According to its traditions magically lost in a remote time, astronomers Polynesian felt a special interest in the starry sky, for some of the brightest planets, the positions and phases of the moon, and the place occupied by the Sun the sky during different seasons. They used all these natural parameters especially for navigation and to be at peace with the universe both external and internal. The Sun called him "Ra to ", the moon," Mahina " "Matariki" the open star cluster Pleiades stars located towards the constellation Taurus, which in English means "little eyes", "Matamea" the red planet Mars and "Rei Tanga" to the star Alpha Scorpius or Antares. This is just the beginning of a wonderful trip to do in this blog to make it the place it belongs to the ancient and wise culture that lives by looking at the stars from "the Navel of the World."
Friday, December 4, 2009
How Many Watts In A Pedestal Fan
More Active Regions on the Sun
Today is the day Thursday March 24, 2011, and to observe the solar disk we see that a new hot spot appeared the left edge of the northern hemisphere of our star. She has received the number of 1177 and shows noticeable whitish faculae near a small umbra. In the same side of the sun but in the southern hemisphere active region is distinguished number 1176, which has a higher intensity magnetic field, which is reflected in the visible light range, through the presence of sunspots . Concepcion Weather presented stable and warm, and something warm and starry nights.

Today is the day Thursday March 24, 2011, and to observe the solar disk we see that a new hot spot appeared the left edge of the northern hemisphere of our star. She has received the number of 1177 and shows noticeable whitish faculae near a small umbra. In the same side of the sun but in the southern hemisphere active region is distinguished number 1176, which has a higher intensity magnetic field, which is reflected in the visible light range, through the presence of sunspots . Concepcion Weather presented stable and warm, and something warm and starry nights.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Bmx Bikes For Under £150
Quasars and GPS
By using a global positioning system GPS or any of us who have a GPS navigator can orient themselves in places that even do not know physically. But someone asked how to orient themselves GPS satellites?, Because for the GPS function you must know the orbital position of the GPS satellites with sufficient accuracy. But what "benchmarks" used by these satellites and we now know that even the farthest stars in the Milky Way have a proper motion can not use them as fixed points of reference. For astronomers it a little more than four years began to make a map ICRF2 using the "exact" of 3000 quasars, which to be "fixed points" as far as lights are able to show an unchanged position in the sky during the course of several years. In short, we could say that thanks to distant galaxies, active and bright we can reach your destination when we're lost, that is, both yesterday and today the sky and its celestial bodies have been our guides.

By using a global positioning system GPS or any of us who have a GPS navigator can orient themselves in places that even do not know physically. But someone asked how to orient themselves GPS satellites?, Because for the GPS function you must know the orbital position of the GPS satellites with sufficient accuracy. But what "benchmarks" used by these satellites and we now know that even the farthest stars in the Milky Way have a proper motion can not use them as fixed points of reference. For astronomers it a little more than four years began to make a map ICRF2 using the "exact" of 3000 quasars, which to be "fixed points" as far as lights are able to show an unchanged position in the sky during the course of several years. In short, we could say that thanks to distant galaxies, active and bright we can reach your destination when we're lost, that is, both yesterday and today the sky and its celestial bodies have been our guides.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
What Does It Mean When A Guy Gives You His Watch
Day Sun March 23, 2011

Weather Concepción, there has been warm and stable, and this coincides with a significant increase in solar activity in the area of \u200b\u200bour star pointing toward Earth. The active region located at the right edge of the hemisphere Sun's north, is now turning to disappear from our observation, but on the left edge of the southern hemisphere a large sunspot shows that the magnetic field in that region of the Sun has stepped up to be visible through this huge magnetic island.
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