Thursday, June 24, 2010

Invitation Wording Responsible For Own Food

marine plasma isotonic RENÉ QUINTON


Reclaiming the great benefactor and his marvelous discovery, was silent as so many others in the industry of death.

1.-Brief biography. René

Quinton was born on December 15, 1866 in Chaumes, Brie, France. Son of a physician and mayor of the city, Quinton did not receive any special scientific training, yet it was a highly cultured autodidact who was aware of the major scientific advances and discoveries of his time. After studying letters and do some courses at the Museum of Natural History, began his unique and brilliant career in science that revolutionized the paradigms of his time. So much so that the French Academy of Sciences did not hesitate to say that after Darwin, but Quinton had no such important contributions in the field of biology.

In the early twentieth century, René Quinton was a great success healing all sorts of diseases through the use of sea water, collected and stored under certain physical conditions.

2.-His postulates

Basically postulated that life originated in the sea, and that every human body is like a small ocean in the floating cells. If the ocean interior maintains its physical conditions (ie, its pH, salinity, temperature, etc ...) similar to the primitive, the whole body is kept in a state of natural balance, which is what we call health. Conversely, if a deficiency or imbalance in these factors is difficult (or prevented from reaching) the normal functioning of the whole organism, which is the state we call disease.

The Quinton working method was based on sea water collected at a particular depth, thus ensuring that the plankton and the organisms she had been pre-digested into biological plasma.

This water-cold plasma is filtered to remove impurities (not heated, so that it retains its vital properties.) Then distilled water is added to reduce the salinity level of human blood, as Quinton thought the primordial sea where life originated salt concentration was less than the average of today's oceans. Finally, the isotonic plasma thus obtained was stored in glass containers with no metallic parts and without any additives or preservatives.

Quinton Early animal experiments showed that can replace all the body's blood plasma isotonic. The animal does not merely survive the operation, but shows more vitality, health and vigor than ever.

isotonic plasma is the only substance known, apart from the blood, which can live white blood cells. The industry has produced decades man sera, which were far from able to bring to the effectiveness of the natural plasma.

Quinton theories gave us a vision of human and health based on the Life and holistic balance. In contrast, the theory of evolution and Darwin attributed to Germ Theory of Pasteur (who in those years competed intellectually on par with the ideas of Quinton) focused on competitiveness, in the struggle, imbalance and death. Quinton plasma strengthened the body as a whole. The serum of Pasteur (vaccines) tried to kill a particular organism type declared enemy, was specific and therefore not serve to destroy other microbe different (or the fanciful "mutations arising from that enemy.)

3.-The Isotonic Marine Plasma. Soon

Quinton plasma cured a large number of diseases that were thought incurable, and that the medicine of his time and Pasteur techniques simply did not know or could try. All cases were resolved with full success. At his death, Quinton was viewed throughout the world as a great benefactor of mankind, and was honored by a large number of Heads of State, military, doctors, intellectuals, etc ...

4.-The question always : The economic interest prevailed on health.

But as always, the capital goes where you expect to find performance, not the common good. The authorities were keen to keep the people weak, sick, decimated and easy control. The capital for its part was not going to finance 100% effective cures, taking a hand in Darwin and Pasteur to produce an alibi theory a whole industry of specific devices salable (antibiotics, vaccines, etc ...). Soon the power industry warned that it could maintain an emerging pharmaceutical friendly face to the public, like their patrons, while keeping other private face to research and produce weapons biological. More and more biological weapons, as more and more attention obtained by the power and capital. And so the twentieth century was hit with new designer diseases, completely unknown in previous history (as the "English influenza, AIDS, the" flu "Avian and swine, etc ...).

After two world wars, a lot of propaganda, giving commissions to doctors who prescribed antibiotics and a few more mafia-like practices, today's celebrity was Quinton is an amazing historical oblivion. The results of his therapeutic method remain as indisputable as ever, but it is declared illegal in Europe. The isotonic plasma is distributed in minority circles, but disguised as "nutritional supplement" because it contains all the elements of the periodic table that specifies the agency, in its exact proportion. Furthermore, the intestine absorbs the salts directly, being already pre-digested.

also wanted to distort reality by associating the name of Quinton for thalassotherapy and spa for the rich, those who never had anything to do impeccable theoretical basis and the amazing results of applying his theories in practice.

Meanwhile, a major polluting industry Death has increased the production of biological weapons and drugs very ineffective (or permanently useless), filled with strange additives and undesirable side effects. Mind control is such that the official versions of the theories of germs and development have become two great dogmas with those indoctrinated in the faith to children in schools around the world, as if both myths were true . Or rather, as if they were the only possible truth, reality itself.

Here you can find some interesting references:

1 / A small introductory video (in English, with subtitles):

2 / Some biographical notes (bled animals that survive and invigorate with sea water, hopelessly ill are healed, etc ...)
20quinton.htm 20nuevo/quinton/rene%

3 / Quinton babies saved in your day: 20nuevo/quinton/mortandad% 20infantil.htm

4 / Differences between Quinton and Pasteur:


5 / What isotonic plasma is used today?:

http://www.alimentacion-sana. / Portal% 20nuevo/quinton/quinton.htm

6 / Laureano Dominguez is a writer and journalist who suffered multiple injuries to the skull and spine. In this interview he explains his healing using seawater;

7 / Quinton Web Labs in Spain. Marine plasma is still sold, albeit as a "nutritional supplement", not as therapy. In this There are also other testimonies web and more information about this topic:

Quinton Laboratories are also on Facebook and YouTube: http

: / /

8 / A commentary on the neglect of Quinton method:

And finally, I would like to reflect important for all consciousness. According to documents the organization World Health Organization, diarrhea kills 1.5 million children each year, the second largest killer of children worldwide: en / index.html


Humans in our ignorance, we allow the continued suffering. could prevent a million and half children cruelly killed every year with a cheap and plentiful as well as sea water, the mother of life. What kind of policy is behind all this?

To ponder: Hard questions

that still require answers

From the point of view of science, we have a solid theory, coherent and well formulated, which was very popular in his time among the group of doctors and biologists. Besides the consequences that stem from this theory are well tested at the empirical level and properly documented, with results that are downright spectacular.

This raises many questions. For example:

1 - If the theory is false, and were all mad at that time (scientists, scholars, statesmen, etc ...), why current science does not prove the falsehood? . To our knowledge, Marine Plasma is still working as well now as then.

2 - why Quinton is not mentioned in the colleges and universities? . Reminds me of the historical neglect of Nikola Tesla, only in the fields of evolution, biology and medicine. At least Quinton died surrounded by tributes and the height of its success, not the poor Tesla.

3 - How many tens of millions of children under 5 have died since the time of Quinton, that could have been avoided? . Death from diarrhea is horrible. Treadwear is a body, to be gradually dehydrated and lacking salts necessary for life.

4 - How many more deaths could have been avoided, not because of diarrhea, but for many other reasons that the Marine Plasma can be successfully treated?

5 - Why do people know of other holocausts that pale beside it, and ignore these realities?

6 - Is it genocidal kill directly but to allow the slow deaths of millions of kids, pretending that there is no solution?. "Genocide is only active, not passive?. Is it less crime?

We say nonsense like "Life is hard", when in fact the planet gives us everything we need to live with dignity, health and growth. No million babies die each year because life is cruel or because there are no natural resources for everyone.

These topics are simply lies. die are allowed for purely political reasons. Mourn I feel like every time I think ...

In the image, a child before and after being treated with isotonic plasma.

Author: Rafael Seguí Arturo Lopez . Information

Quinton laboratories in Spain:

Liberation Now To StarViewerTeam International 2010.


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